If your tracking number shows on the carrier’s website that your order has been delivered, but you have not received it, please contact the carrier directly with your tracking number.
Please verify the address that the order was shipped to by logging in to your UntilGone.com account. If your shipping address is correct, check around the delivery area for a safe place the carrier may have placed the package like nearby bushes, a back door, or garage. Check with family members, neighbors, a building manager, or others who may have accepted the package for you.
If you still cannot locate your package, please open a customer support ticket within 30 days of delivery and we will begin an investigation at our warehouse.
Following the investigation, you may be asked to file a police report and open a claim with your homeowner's/renter's insurance, if it appears the delivery was stolen.
It is not our policy to refund orders that have been shipped in good faith and confirmed by the carrier to have been delivered.